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Recaptcha bypass 4chan

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The popularity of said comics became massive, spreading to Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and even real life, with many pieces of merchandise based off them. This prompted a third wave of new users curious about the source of all those memes, probably reading about them on Reddit or Cheezburger’s Knowyourmeme. Unlike what /b/ was used to, these user were more moderated, a part of the “Mainstream”, with little semblance or knowledge of Internet culture. They arrived at the same time the popularity of the worst aspects of 4chan’s Dark Age began to die. On the bad side, the site became flooded with NORP teens, prompting a considerable increase of moralfags and people without a sense of humour on /b/. Meme culture kept evolving on content aggregators like 9Gag and /r/funny, distortions which 4chan and even Reddit has grown to hate. The old userbase never left, but were easily outnumbered by the new, twitter-addicted youth. This year also saw a growing concern with social justice in sites like Tumblr, Reddit and Something Awful, but apparently it’s most vocal defenders don’t what how what social justice even means.

Recaptcha bypass 4chan